Japanese Cheese Cake mini. This video shows how to create mini japanese cheese cake. Heat water in a pot in a medium. This Japanese cheesecake recipe calls for the following main ingredients: Cream cheese.
Perfect Japanese Cheesecake / cotton cheesecake recipe for a pillowy soft, light-as-air & heavenly cheesecake, no crack top & straight side.
Japanese Cheesecake has the tangy, creamy flavor of cheesecake, with the moist, cotton-soft texture of soufflé.
It's a match made in heaven.
bunda bisa memasak Japanese Cheese Cake mini menggunakan 11 bahan dan 11 Langkah. Begini caranya masak itu.
Bahan-bahan membuat Japanese Cheese Cake mini
- Anda membutuhkan of Bahan A:.
- Ini 125 gr of cream cheese.
- Ini 30 gr of butter.
- Ini 50 ml of susu cair ultra biru.
- Persiapkan 3 of kuning telur.
- Anda membutuhkan 30 gr of tepung kunci biru.
- Ini 10 gr of maizena.
- Anda membutuhkan of Bahan B:.
- Ini 3 of putih telur.
- Ini 1/2 sdt of air lemon.
- Anda membutuhkan 70 gr of gula castor.
My Japanese Cheesecake Recipe has the same cotton-soft sweetness and jiggly nature - now simplified from the usual complex methods of other recipes. See more ideas about Cake recipes, Food and drink, Japanese cheesecake. Soft, light, incredibly moist and diet-friendly Japanese cheesecake delivers a delicious rich flavor of cream cheese with a subtle tanginess of lemon. Wanna make Instant Pot Japanese Cheesecake?
step by step Membuat Japanese Cheese Cake mini
- Siapkan semua bahan dan timbang masing2..
- Panaskan dalam panci campuran cream cheese, butter dan susu dg metode boiler sampai mencair..
- Matikan api, angkat panci, setelah hangat2 kuku, masukkan kuning telur, aduk rata, lanjut masukkan tepung kunci biru dan maizena. Aduk kembali sampai rata. Sisihkan..
- Di wadah yg lain, mixer putih telur dg kecepatan rendah, stlh itu masukkan air lemon, dan sedikit demi sedikit masukkan gula castor, mixer dg kecepatan tinggi. Sampai soft peak..
- Ambil sepertiga bagian putih telur ke adonan kuning telur, aduk rata. Ambil lagi sepertiga nya, aduk kembali..
- Adonan kuning telur masukkan ke putih telur, aduk kembali sampai rata..
- Tuang ke dalam cetakan, krn pakai loyang bongkar pasang, jd mesti dibungkus dg aluminium foil seperti di foto. (agar air tdk rembes masuk ke adonan pas dioven dg metode au bain marie)..
- Krn takut tumpah, he he he, jd ada yg sedikit dituang di ramekin kecil..
- Oven dg suhu 170C api atas bawah selama krg lbh 60 menit atau sesuai oven masing2 dg sistem au bain marie (loyang adonan ditaruh di loyang yg lbh besar yg sdh diberi air panas setinggi 1 cm an)..
- Ini tadi dioven selama 55 menit. Biarkan bbrp saat di dlm oven sesudah dimatikan ovennya. Agar tidak kempes..
- Hasilnya lembut menul2 😄.
My name is Corrie Cooks and I am here to help! Have you tried Japanese cheesecake before? Japanese cheesecake is pillowy soft, with cottony texture and soufflé like crumbs. When it is fresh from the oven, the cake is so soft. First, I whip the softened cream cheese until it is light and fluffy.